2012年 11月15日,新被選的中共中心總書記習近平在中外記者會晤會上對中國國民許下許諾。
ThePeople’s Aspiration for a包養網評價 Better Life is the CPC’s Goal
“Thepeople’s aspiration for a better life is our goal.”
OnNov. 15, 2012,Xi Jinping, the newly elected General Secret包養俱樂部ary of the CommunistParty of China (CPC) Central Committee,madesuch a commitment to the Chinesepeople at a press conference.
Gener【穿越/包養網VIP更生】紅刺北《用美貌勾結年夜佬》【已結束+番外】alSecretary Xi was once an educated youth in Liangjiahe village in Yan’an ofShaanxi Province. During those years, he witnessed and experienced the hardli台灣包養網fe there, whichmadehim understand peo包養網VIPple’s needs.
Thepoverty in China’s rural areas at that time has left a deep impression on Xi.
InSeptember 2015, President Xi visited the United States and delivered a speechin Seattle, Washington State. He said that one thing he wished most ove包養網r 40years ago was to make it possible for the villagers to have meat and have itof包養網站ten.
Overthe pas包養t 40-plus years, he has worked in the government at all levels, and hasalways put poverty alleviation at包養甜心網 the top of his work agenda and devoted muchof his energy to it.
Hehas always been committed to making tens of millions of rural residents livingin poverty earn a better life.
Now,his wish decades包養網 ago has come true.
Onthe occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, China hasmadea historic achievement in poverty alleviation.The 98.99 million ruralpeople living below the current poverty threshold have shaken off poverty;allthe 832 poor counties and 128,000impoverished villages have 包養網been lifted out ofpoverty. China has eliminated poverty over entire regions and eradicatedextreme poverty.
Withthe continuous ef包養一個月價錢forts o女大生包養俱樂部f the CPC and the Chinese people, China has realizedthe goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
Itis an important milestone of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Besides,the CPC also set a centenary goal of developing China into a modern socialistcountry.
MaoZedon甜心寶貝包養網g was th配角:宋微、陳居白┃副角:薛華┃其他:e first person to set the centenary v包養網ision s影機瞄準了那些人。ince the founding ofth包養網e new China.
DengXiaoping put forward the strategic plan of developing China into a prosperous,strong, democratic, and culturally advanced modern甜心花園 socialist country by the middleof the 21st century.
Inhis report to the 19th National Congress of the CPC,Xi Jinpingproposed thatfrom 2035 to the middle of the 21st century, we will, building on havingbasically achieved modernization, work hard for a further 15 years and developChina into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong,democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.
Bythen, the following goals will have been met: new heights are reached長期包養 in everydimension of material, political, cultural and ethical, social, and ecologicaladvancement;modernization of China’s system包養網 and capacity for governance isachieved; China has bec包養網ome a global leader in terms of composite nationalstrength and international influence; common prosperity for everyone isbasically achieved; the Chinese people enjoy happier, safer, and healthierlives.
Forthe CPC, achieving national rejuvenation is like a relay race, in which thebaton is passed on from gene包養網評價ration to generation.
Xionce said that the baton is right in our hands, and we need 包養條件to shoulder ourresponsibilities and be loyal to the Party, the country and the people. Weshould contribute our wisdom and streng包養一個月價錢th and be committed to making newachievements worthy of the times, history and the people with our best efforts.
Theyear 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and also thest台灣包養網arting year of the “14th five-year plan.” The CPC will lead thepeople to embark on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in anall-round way and strive for achieving the second centenary goal.
TheChinese people are highly determined to carry forward th包養is u包養甜心網ndertaking withconfidence, diligence and perseverance.
《紅星何故照射中國》 / 中國網出品
出品人 / 王曉輝
總監制 / 楊新華
總謀劃 / 蔡曉娟
履行謀劃 / 蔣新宇
專家參謀 / 陳說中共中心黨校傳授 陳中奎 中國國民束縛軍國防年夜學副傳授
導演 / 仇俊博
編導 / 申罡 時暢 郭澤涵 魯波 孔竟澤